Computing Kids is dedicated to teaching students of all backgrounds how to engage in computer science. This year, we reached out to older adults who may have never gotten that chance to learn computer basics. Gabe Carroll, a Computing Kids teacher, helped with the Adult Computer Basics Course and shared his experiences with working with a different age group.
Everyone wants to learn and that energy creates such a positive experience.
Gabe Carroll
What was the goal of this program?
The Computer Basics course, put on and hosted by the Millionaire Club, was designed to get anyone who may feel confused, overwhelmed, or mystified by computers comfortable with using them.
After taking this course, participants should have a solid grasp on how to properly use a mouse and keyboard as well as how to create word documents, browse the web, or send emails. This program also rewards participants with a certificate that can be used to show employers that you are a cool and confident computer user!
What was the program like?
The Computer Basics course is a 2 day course with each session lasting about 2 hours. In the first session we cover the basics of using your computer, some of the terminology used when discussing computers (mouse cursor, desktop icon, etc.), and spend some time practicing using our mouse with an interactive mouse game.
The second session we focus on learning how to use and send emails, typing in the “home row” position, as well as proper posture when using a computer. The course assumes no prior computer knowledge or experience and is for anyone who wants to learn more about computers in a safe and accommodating classroom environment.

How was it working with older students during the program?
As someone who primarily teaches elementary and high school students, working with adults in the classroom was a real treat. Everyone is attending the class because they chose to be; everyone wants to learn and that energy creates such a positive experience. Personally I was really happy with the classroom environment and it was so nice to see students leaning across desks to provide help to one another. I look forward to teaching more classes at the Millionaire Club over the winter and spring!
Were there any takeaways or thoughts you had after teaching this program?
Computers are complicated! Growing up with computers, you tend to just absorb all the weird details and intricacies without questioning them; but when you go to explain it to another person who doesn’t have that understanding you realize how obtuse and non-intuitive most computer-human interactions really are.
Computers don’t come with user manuals (and if they do I can’t imagine anyone who would actually read them) so I think this class has immense value in introducing many of the basic-but-easily-overlooked details of computer use. Things like cut/copy/paste, formatting text, and knowing how to type efficiently are all vital concepts that you really wouldn’t learn unless someone explicitly taught you how to do them.
When I have to start using fancy tech devices that I didn’t grow up with, I hope that there are similar classes I can take to make things accessible and consumable for me as well.
Thank you to Gabe for teaching this course and the Millionaire club for hosting the event. We are excited to continue this program and to expand into new communities.
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